Goals vs. Resolutions

It’s January 1st, a time when many of us make resolutions. The problem with this is we don’t keep those resolutions throughout the year. It’s all or nothing, do or don’t do, black or white. That’s why I usually don’t make any resolutions. I never keep them anyway. However, I read an article that suggested setting goals instead of making resolutions, and that makes much more sense to me. Goals are things you work toward, not something you resolve to give up. So, this year, I think I’ll set some goals to work toward.

To begin, I think that I will set a goal of writing more. I have had this wordpress account for a while now, but I’ve done nothing with it. My goal is to change that this year. Writing will help me reconnect to my creative self, something I have let slide for too long. Most of my creativity now is expressed in my bulletin boards and display window. I am hoping that I won’t be doing those much longer, so I really need to find other creative outlets. When I was young, I wrote poetry and stories. I used to create new clothes to wear. I want to get back to that.

My next goal has to do with my spiritual life. I have been very slack about attending church services, and that’s about the only thing I’ve really contributed in a while. I was helping out in the church library some, but even that fell away last year. So, my goal is to try to reconnect to my church this year.

Exercise is usually one of my resolutions. This year, it’s a goal. I want to meet my Vivofit goals every day. I did really well with this over the summer, but not so much since school started back. So, I need to take some time each day to walk and reflect.

As for my last goal, it’s to put my family and friends above my work. I have been so consumed by work, I am exhausted when I get home. I need to be more present in my personal life. Dana has been so wonderful, even when I am tired and distracted. I want to do better by him.

So, here are my goals. I will work toward them, and will probably miss my goals some days. But since they are goals, not resolutions, I will continue to try to reach them. Only the next new year will determine how I did.

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